
Small Space, Huge Potential

Small spaces like apartments and lofts have their upsides such as low rent, a closer proximity to bustling metro areas, and offer a cozy charm. However, if not designed correctly, they can easily become cluttered and impractical. Try these tips to customize your small space in a way that is true to your taste while being functional for your lifestyle

Bill’s Design Tips for Small Living Spaces

Invest in dual-purpose furniture.

Small Space, Huge Potential

When decorating a small space, every square foot counts. Make the most of each room by choosing pieces that serve more than one purpose. For example, when redecorating this Seattle apartment, I chose a coffee table that can be pulled apart and used as trays to eat on. Perfect for any twenty- something’s space!

Layer to add depth.

Small Space, Huge Potential

One thing that small spaces lack is depth. One way I like to add depth to a space is to layer. I love to layer bedding with multiple blankets and throw pillows to add depth while giving a cozy feeling to the bedroom. While layering, I also like to add a bit of contrast by selecting pieces with varying materials, textures, and patterns.

Add your personality with stick and peel wallpaper or removable fabric attached to the wall.

Small Space, Huge Potential

Many rental homes will not allow for you to paint or wallpaper the walls. I recommend livening up your space with your personal style by selecting a peel and stick wallpaper or patterned fabric. These options are easy to remove once you move out so you can keep your deposit.